I feel so bad all the time lately, I'm not studying and today I remained home to miss 8 lectures just so I can work, I have worked, but not as much as I was hoping for.
I blame Narnia.Good thing about today is I managed to say 'pika' before sneezing. BEST MOMENT EVER!! XD
*ends with a happy dance*
I want to get rid of all the blogs posted below, like cleanse myself of those memories in a way, I know lame, so like I shall blog to push them down and further and further away (:Days are good, couple of arguments here and there but nothing major. I discovered the greatness of skype-ing people, I'm on skype with Jamie right now, poor thing I'm kinda being boringly silent while he waits for me to finish
Being productive in the artistic side of me is really a horrible way of trying to productively study!
Just to inspire myself I placed my prospectus to the University of Aberdeen infront of me and my A-levels time table pinned next to my laptop screen, thoughts behind all this was that they'd be an inspiration for me to actually work!
Ah well (:
I shall now get back to jamie, or sleep really.. I'm not dead but I need rest I realised...
I shall leave you with a song that is stuck and will remain stuck in my head for a while and I give credit to Simon for re-introducing this video into my life (:
Side Note: Also, if you want to laugh sometime, search for Adam Hills - leg or Jeff Dunham - Daughter/Dog. So funny, I promise you pretty people (:
Be blessssssedd x