Amazingness xD

Heyyy bloggers,

sry haven't been faithful to my poor blog these past few days but like I'v bn extrmly busy hehe

so lenton talks are nearly over :( how sad is that??

but last night we had the mime, and i must say it was truely amazing that in the ned i felt like all those things wer actually happening to me and when God saved me i felt so free. And so many people got touched at the talks this week i can't help but think... How amazing He truely is for helping us all!

Awesomeeeeeee teehee...

Keep praying maybe tonight we'll have future christians with us coz i came on the last day of the talks and still got pulled into it!! so let's hope it happens to other people tooo!! xD

I love the song of Planet Shakers - Reflector this is a vid of it but it isn't too good lol hope you enjoy it ><:

anyways i must go cont creating lyrics with paula lol

Signing off with talks, prayer and hope

Gbu all guys


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