Soul Survivooooooor = D

Okkk So i can't help but post about soul survivor...sry if your nto coming but I'm rly excited xD lol

Ok so i'v missed Soul Survivor for the past 2 years...which to sum it all big time!

but i finallly get to go this year:D tihi...and i just can't wait ^_^

And for all you guys that dno what Soul Survivor is you can visit the web site

i shall leave you with 2 cool vids:

Signing off with excitment and joy
Zoe = D

2 Response to "Soul Survivooooooor = D"

  1. maria angela Says:

    lol zo i hadnt seen d former..haha i forgot that mike had said dat to ben cantelon xD lol u realize dat ur last 3 posts all begin with an s? haha xD and they all have to do with soul survivor lool xD love ya pupa and thanks for being u!! xxxxx

  2. Rachel Says:

    theyre not loading :S but nice post anyway xD