
Wow Guys so manny things are over and it's alrdy like they started centuries agoo!

So the talks are over and with that so is the dance and the mime :(
No more rehersals...*sniff*...but I must say they were amazing!! the experience it put me thro is unbelievable, and i feel like a different person in many ways!
The dance rehersals just reminded me on how much i miss dancing lol... can't wait till after O's to strt again :D
And the mime...wow guys, i can't even strt to describe how this mime has changed me!! It was like this roller coaster ride, but there were more down's and spins in it! and the challenges i went thro... just made me a better person!! I learnt how to appreciate my friends more&more and know how to give even better advice about certain situations now :D (also thks to fr. Ray and the debate thingy that happened tues xD)
I just have to say for the millionth time, How God works in such mysterious ways... and altho we might not like them or might not understand them now looking back it all seems perfect!!
I hope that atleast one person was touched by these talks and I'll keep who ever this person is in my prayers!!
I'm here for anyone who needs me ok dudes:)?? Your all in my prayers and don't any of you ever lose Hope for whatever pain you might endure it will only just make you a stronger person and the more Faith you have will only make you a better person :)

Owww and febuary's over and here come's March now, O's are moving closer...but I'm soo glad feb's over i hated that month xept for last wk xD!!

I want to say a hugeee thanks to all of you guys who helped me thro my dark hour >.<( too many names to mention but u guys now who you are = ]) Thank you Y4J coz if it werent for you guys i wouldnt be the person i am today :)!
Here's The Mime Guys: Quality Isn't the best but still big thumbs up to rache for taking it for us :D thx rachee xx)

Oh & Rem guys your never "fine" coz the meaning of fine is - Frustrated.Insecure.Nerotic.Emotional :P

Signing off with smiles and advice giving xD
Zoe xx

2 Response to "Over"

  1. ^KaI^ Says:

    ah zoe :) ma...d temptations n stuff were horerible!! AH but wasnt it all worth it :D hehe...love u pupa and gubu n ur welcome :P XD

  2. Rachel Says:

    i know what u mean by the perfectness in the end.. Romans 8:18 =]

    I like the fine =P a lot xD
    Blessings and love,
    achie xxx