
Do you want to know the truth about the truth? Its hurts, so we lie.
Nobody says the truth anymore. It's like an infected virus going around in everyone's cute little plastic water bottles.
Why does the truth hurt? Because we make it hurt.
I know. Talking from the percpective of someone who does lie and sometime's doesn't know how to stop.
It just accumulates. One lie after another. A Spiderweb I like to call it. It's not easy to stop, it's like a drug. Heroin, weed, lies..what's the difference?
One hurts the body. One hurts the soul.
Although pain also seems like a routine that's going around and becoming fashionable in people my age. Being double faced has become as common as breathing air.
Will we ever stop? So many people before me have asked this question about if humans will actually one day stop this obsessive compulsive sickness that cannot or will not be cured.
I know this seems pointless but my question to you is... What's the point?

10 Response to "Lies."

  1. A Clayman Says:

    That's an interesting thing to ponder.
    The point of anything, with or without lies is as meaningless as ever, I believe.
    Nice writing.

  2. Zoe Says:

    it's true nearly everything is meaningless. But there must be a point to something somewhere..
    Thanks :)

  3. KARL Says:

    We lie to hide something that we don't want to say because we are scared how we are going to be judged because in reality we are driven by fear. And a world without lies would be horrible,Can you imagine everyone says what they think to one another...Sometimes a lie is good.

  4. Ben Says:

    just 1 thing i want to comment about ur own comment "but there must be a point to something somewere.." and this leads to what do you clal point in life! is it just a meaningless life were if im alive or dead it wont really matter? lies.. Jesus calls us to be aware from the father of lies.. he calls us to the truth ! and as a christian i belive that my yes should be a yes and a no should be no for God... and to reply to karl i dont think lieing is the answer its more like how you say the truth and being sensitive to others..!

  5. . Says:

    why does ur blog scream FACEBOOK at me? lol

  6. expressingwordz Says:

    yes i know my point in life is to serve God ben and i wouldn't have it any other way really. but sometime's its only human to doubt, and with all the lies i hear... i go but what's the point??

    and lill im having a little fb obsession :)

  7. Martine Says:

    I agree with ben, and i just want to add one thing. It;s true we hear many lies all day long, and often we ourselves fall into the trap of lying, both to others and worst of all to ourselves. However, one person who surely never lies to us in God. In God is the Truth, and that is why God Himself is the solid, TRUE point of Life! People lie, and that brings doubts... but God is Truth, and that brings stability and safety.

    Faith vs. Doubt

    Doubt sees the obstacles.
    Faith sees the way.
    Doubt sees the darkest night.
    Faith sees the day.
    Doubt dreads to take a step.
    Faith soars on high.
    Doubt questions "Who believes"?
    Faith answers "I".

  8. DeAna Says:

    I totally understand how one can be consumed by the lies. It's amazing how powerful words really are.

    But in the struggle of lies, truth and sorting through it all, we have to remember that we must seek God's strength to endure. HIS truth and strength will see you through the spiderwebs of deceit!

    Psalm 40:10-11
    I do not hide your righteousness in my heart;
    I speak of your faithfulness and salvation.
    I do not conceal your love and your truth
    from the great assembly.

    11 Do not withhold your mercy from me, O LORD;
    may your love and your truth always protect me.

    Keep your head up!!! :)

  9. Zoe Says:

    wow a loved that bible verse..amazing :) thanks :D

  10. Cheesus Says:

    Lies are comforting. Its generally something one of the two parties (giving and receiving) wants to hear. Be it hurtful or otherwise, it grants the liar a moment of satisfaction, and if used properly can do a world of good (or harm).

    Fear and hate are not direct causes of lies, simply something that is desired upon the opposing party. They may be the root, but not a direct cause.

    The bible stands as evidence. Comforting... Thus 1/3 of the population wants it.