I Couldn't Not Put this vid here guys it's just toooo funny...thanks maxine for making it and if any of you like the song it's like my fav song of the month atm xD First guys finish first - oh shooting a star
Gbu all = )
Zoe x
Posted in
Nice Guys Finish First,
Red Bull,
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April 20, 2008 at 9:09 AM
lool u girls are hilarious man!!! xD funny vid guys =P wel done to d creator: maxx =D xD
April 20, 2008 at 3:25 PM
tehhheee..yey ur promoting my funny vid ! XD haha and u wrote in red too!! hahahhaha...well thanks for giving me the song for the vid!.. i absolutely love it! and it fit perfectly with the vid..its like all hyper and buzzzzz...hahha love u lots babeeeeeeeeeeeeeee !!! cant wait to have more and more fun with u at our future o's XDXD