Quick Post

Ok guys i have to write a quick post before i head towards the books of physics XD (exams tonight pray for me guys perleasee >.<)
Anyway so.. basically i was really panicing yest night coz i lost all my electricity/electromagnets/magnetism notes and i was going "God God plssssss find them for me!!" and this morning i woke up at 5 to study and i got this huge file and opened it like and i fell asleep again, and the notes sort of like felt out of the file while i was sleeping and when i woke up i found the notes on the floor where all the notes i lost and if they didn't fall out i wouldn't have found them!!

How cool is that?? xD

Gbu guys
Nerd fighter
Zoe xD

1 Response to "Quick Post"

  1. LG Says:

    that is mega cool!
    wait it was rethoric
    I still think it is cool
    hope it went well, was meaning to sms you but only just refilled my credit..
    love ya
    need anything just let me
    like next time call me cause I still have last year's notes and I'd have gladly ran to your house with them
    love ya!!
    God Bless