Oh, Twitter how you tempt me

Hello virtual world,
I'm back for a brief period of time, while I try to figure out a) why I keep procrastinating b) if vatican city will explode in angels and demons and c) if we get to go to brussels at mini eu's finals tmrw O.o oh wow.
What dillemmmaaaaassss xD
Twitter, Facebook, Surfthechannel and Youtube are temptations!
Plus the pretty new hardback book of Breaking Dawn I just got (:
Uwww also check this out... www.thinkgeek.com you will love it..
I guess this blog is more useless then anything else in life.
I'm really excited about the new Hillsong CD
*victory dance*
Today I heard a funny surname...Legertwood.. I mean huh?

Incoherency happening in this blog...

I think this should come to an end, si?
Pray for us Mini-eu-ers tmrw por favor (:
je ne s'ais pas (I failed french)

Baciii x

5 Response to "Oh, Twitter how you tempt me"

  1. LG Says:

    seen that site before :) I love it to bits....


    I agree I love to tweet
    but blogging is awesomer!!

    Legertwood sounds like something out of LOTR

  2. Simon Says:

    I will pray for your mini EU final...
    ...procrastination is what spring is about.


    ...in the book at least, the Vatican city doesn't blow up, the bomb ends up going off in the air, if I recall on a helicopter.

  3. Matt Says:

    This is why I'm not on twitter.

    And it's je ne sais pas.

    Twister XD

  4. Chrissy Says:

    gl for mini eu =]
    leme know how u dooo and i'll see u tonight i hope =D

    and yaaay twitter!


  5. Rachel Says:

    I'd see these much sooner if you had the following thing going :P

    Finished the book yet?